The Beach House Books Project... Week One!

My 2016 New Year resolution and project is quite a simple one. I've been wanting to have a proper go at this for a number of years, now.

I've got a lot of books to read. All my life I've ended up collecting all kinds of books, in every kind of genre. I tend to read a lot, but my To Be Read Pile (or mountain!) keeps getting ever-larger. Many are crated and boxed up, many are in the attic and cellar, and a bunch are in the Beach House. I intend to make 2016 the year in which I start to tackle my backlog of books.

There's a facebook group already, 'Beach House Books' in which you can follow my progress - and where others are already digging out the books they've neglected, put by, or forgotten about.

The first week of January has been a bonanza of reading for me. I doubt I'll get to read as much in one week again, but it's been a great start for the project. From Star Wars to Calvino's war-time fables... and all kinds of places inbetween.

My favourite book of the week i've just written about elsewhere:

"I just finished 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn' by Betty Smith - a huge, autobiographical novel about the earliest years of the Twentieth Century in the poorest part of Brooklyn. I've meant to read it for years. One of those books in which one of the children in the family at the heart of the book is a voracious reader who you know will wind up becoming a writer, and will tell all the family stories and try to capture their childhood in a big, generous book like this. I've been locked inside this world for four or five days and it's extremely vivid."
