Almost Time for my Favourite Reads of 2013

Almost time to unveil my favourite books of the year. Each year I switch around the way I do this on my blog. I used to have two top tens (old and newly published books) and then I did a top twenty…  and this year – for some reason – I’m going to make it even more complex than ever before… !

So between now and the end of the year I’ll be presenting my favourites in a few different categories. I’ll be telling you about my list of favourite books by writers completely new to me this year. Then I’ll tell you about my favourite re-reads of the year, and then my list of new books by novelists I already really like. And then – finally – (as if that wasn’t enough stuff from me) – I’ll share with you my overall list of favourite books of the year – which I’ll try to keep to ten this year…!

It’s a year’s reading that sees me come to the very last page of my reading diary that I started in spring 1990. That is, the actual physical book that I’ve been writing all those titles in. I’m right on the last page as we near the end of the year… and the old book’s just about falling apart. Before the year finishes I’ll blog about this faithful old friend, too – perhaps the only physical book (or even object!) to follow me through every year and city and house I’ve lived in for just about twenty four years…


  1. Wow! I have a series of reading journals that I've been keeping since 1997, but it's one per year or so, as I write the reviews in. Still do it, even though I've been blogging online for years. I'll be doing the traditional 10 fiction / 10 non-fiction, but not till 1 January, just in case the last book of the year is the best one yet (last year, if I'd completed Daniel Deronda on the 31st, it would have been best book of 2012) ...


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