I’m going to do a couple of blog posts about stuff I’ve done
this year and things I’ve published. I thought I better do it now, while people
are still Christmas shopping…! I'll begin by talking about books and audios in series that I've contributed to...
Firstly, right at the start of the year there was ‘Vince
Cosmos’ on double CD from Bafflegab Productions.
Kasterborus.com said:
“In Paul Magrs’ version of 1972, it’s another glam rocker
whose fuchsia-slashed cheekbones have stolen the hearts of teenage fans across
the land, and his name is Vince Cosmos. Vince – who may or not hail from
Venus – is a Ziggy Stardust/Doctor Who hybrid who, assisted by his new
young friend Poppy Munday and mysterious space dwarf Mr Glister, takes a
somewhat Tomorrow People-style turn at defending the Earth from hidden
Martian invaders.
“Fans of Magrs’ Doctor Who audios will enjoy its
idiosyncratic blend of the mundane and familiar with the fantastic and absurd.
Magrs’ take on magic realism thinks nothing of giving us a Doctor Who/assistant
set-up that plays out to some heavily disguised events from Bowie’s career,
whilst set in the milieu of an ITV sit-com like George and Mildred.
Imagine Roald Dahl writing an episode of Budgie or the third instalment
of those David Essex ‘rock star’ movies. As ever, there are wonderfully
strong female roles and the star of the piece is Lauren Kellegher as Poppy.
She is joined by Doctor Who’s own Jo Grant (and Iris Wildthyme), Katy
Manning, who gives Yootha Joyce a run for her money as landlady Gilda.”
Then there was my first (and possibly last!) foray into
Sherlock Holmes fiction with my story, ‘Mrs Hudson at the Christmas Hotel’
in ‘Encounters of Sherlock Holmes’ from Titan Books, edited by George Mann.
This came out in February and prompted criminalelement.com to write:
“The notion of Mrs. Hudson housekeeping for Professor Challenger
after Holmes has retired in “Mrs. Hudson and the Christmas Hotel” by Paul
Magrs was so chock full of win I stopped breathing. Throw a Christmas
Hotel, an exorcism, a disturbing Mrs. Claus figure, gypsies, and the ominous
crystal Eyes of Miimon (they’re Finnish, of course) into the mix, however, and
you have given me no mere crossover sandwich. You have given me a reuben on rye
on top of a tuna melt on top of a PB&J. And I’m not quite sure how to fit
my mouth around it, though I applaud the effort.”
Also early in the year came ‘Resurrection Engines’,
Snowbooks’ steampunk anthology edited by Scott Harrisson. My story ‘Talented
Witches’ seemed to go down well with alasdairstuart.com:
“Talented Witches by Paul Magrs is extraordinary. There’s really
no other way to describe it. A semi-stream of conscious sprint through the
history of the Bronte sisters, Haworth where they lived in Yorkshire and the
Magrs family itself, it bounces and twirls around normal time and narrative
structure in a way which will certainly frustrate some readers. Others will see
echoes of the Brontes, Alan Moore’s Voice of the Fire and James Joyce. Obtuse,
beautiful, heart-breaking and one of the most profoundly bizarre short stories
I’ve ever read."
I wrote another polemical piece - this time about education - for the Times Higher Education at the start of the year. It went a bit madly viral, as they say, and it's still here
'Shenanigans' came out from Obverse books! It was a labour of love of mine. I commissioned a whole bunch of favourite gay authors to write me stories in all kinds of genres... and the results were a sheer delight.
Then came my contribution to Doctor Who during its fiftieth anniversary year. It was a historical adventure set in a university and the Dark Ages starring Peter Davison and Janet Fielding, plus hordes of vikings and academics.
sfcrowsnest.org.uk reviewed it:
"Hurrah, it’s time for Tegan to take centre stage. ‘The Lady Of Mercia’ is a mix of history and time travel and a little bit of campus intrigue. It’s a bit of an homage of Peter Davison’s other role in ‘A Very Peculiar Practise’, a quirky campus satire that he did after ‘Doctor Who’. It’s also set in the North and writer Paul Magrs, himself based at a campus university, has plundered history for this tale about Queen Æthelfrid, daughter of Alfred the cake burner and its simply great.
I also contributed a tale to the 'Hammer Chillers' audio series from Bafflegab...
Mummy is worried that Phil is seeing someone and asks Renee to find out more – but how will Mummy react when she discovers it is in fact Renee whom Phil is seeing and planning on running off to Spain with?
The ability of this series to start with a recognisable situation and twist it first one way then the next into the horrific is something to marvel at. This particular story moves through the unpleasant, the horrific and into the downright shocking in the space of the final 15 minutes. I apologise now to anyone sat on the train opposite me this morning when I listened to the final scene of this remarkably well constructed tale."

And the most recent things are Iris Wildthyme-related. First there's Big Finish's audio boxset of Season 4 of their popular audio dramas. And there's Obverse Book's 'Fifteen', with stories celebrating fifteen years of the cosmic ratbag in print - and finally there's my very short epistolary novel about Iris and Panda, 'From Wildthyme with Love', from Snowbooks.
All of these would make perfect stocking fillers...!
Next time I'll tell you about the two of the biggest projects of this year...
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