Edinburgh Book Festival

All done at the Edinburgh Book Festival! Two lovely events for Lost on Mars, alongside Roy Gill and Teri Terry, both talking about their own wonderful books. Sold out audiences at both gigs! And a sold out lecture on Frankenstein and Brenda, too! Lots of fun hanging out in the Authors' Yurt, drawing and drinking endless coffee - and bumping into old friends and making new ones. Jeremy looked after me the whole time brilliantly as ever, along with Panda. I met David Almond again after years and years. I met the charming Piers Moore Ede for the first time, and I'm looking forward to reading his travel books - especially the one about hunting wild honey across the world. It was smashing to have some time with Roy and Russ, and then Dave Fitch last night. Also last night, I met one of my all-time musical heroes, and heard him play a twenty minute magical set in the Spiegel tent. I've been a fan of Nick Currie aka Momus for twenty five years and it was amazing to bump into him. (More amazing, when I introduced myself at the buffet table he replied, 'With a silent g?')
