Whitby Event for Brenda 6!

Looks like there's going to be a reading and signing for 'Brenda and Effie Forever!' at the Whitby Bookshop, Saturday 3rd November at 7pm. Bang in the middle of Goth weekend - as has become traditional!

There are a few other events before then, though -

I’m going to be reading at Manchester Central Library on Saturday 14th July at 6.30pm. It would be lovely to see you there.

I’ll also be at Blackburn Library on tuesday 10th July at 7pm; Tameside Central Library in Ashton on Wednesday 11th July at 6pm; and then Oldham Lees Library on Saturday 18th August at 1.30pm.
Come out and support your libraries – and me!


  1. I'm glad you've secured the annual Whitby event. Despite not living near, I'd love to attend one year as I can imagine it being a great experience. Very glad Brenda and Effie will be returning to brighten up the Autumn - I'm both nervous and excited to find out what they've been up to since TBTTF!

  2. The Whitby Bookshop always does a lovely event for us. I'm greatly looking forward to this years - which comes as a bonus, since we didn't think there'd be a new Brenda this year, let alone a reading! I hope you'll enjoy the ladies' sixth outing.


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