Our Whitby Weekend

We're just back from a completely brilliant weekend in Whitby. Lovely friends, and a fantastic bookshop-full of Brenda and Effie fans wanting to buy the new book - and the backlist, and 'Wildthyme Beyond' - hurray. We always have such a great time there, and the Whitby Bookshop always does us proud. Thanks, everyone, for coming along and buying stuff to get signed. As you know, I love meeting my readers.

Look at this fantastically creepy effigy we found in Whitby museum. It's a wooden creature covered with skin...! It was found in a box among artefacts connected with Captain Scoresby's early nineteenth century voyage to the Arctic, among the jumble of flensing knives and whale harpoons. The sign that accompanies it basically says, 'We don't know what the hell it is.' It looks very much to me like a vodoo penguin. I think this might be making an appearance in a story at some point fairly soon...
