She's a time travelling pseudo-Lady of Time of mysterious
provenance, who fancies the Doctor, calls him 'sweetie', has a diary that
contains details of their past and future adventures together, might have
married him at some point, meets him out of sequence, gets locked up in all the
best prisons, is regarded as a reprobate and floozy, wears ridiculous ratbag /
space-lady outfits, likes bling, hats and gadgets, fags and booze and
historical objets d'art, makes jokes about the patriarchal pompousness of the
other well-known time travellers and makes him groan with dismay and pleasure
whenever she pops up in her magical, flying double decker bus.
YES! Iris Wildthyme is back in - SEASON FOUR BOX SET on audio
from Big Finish, FIFTEEN in hardback from Obverse Books and now you can buy a
volume of her racey correspondence - FROM WILDTHYME WITH LOVE from Snowbooks
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