Ahh, look at this. The kind of random message that makes my heart glow. (and no, i never understand why i'm so obscure and so hard to find, either... But i do know that people are often very glad when they do find me in the end... I wish publishers would take note of that...!

"Good morning, Professor! I want to tell you a fantastic story. One day, I entered a used books store and from the entire place, from far back, a book called me quite loudly and aggressively. I stepped towards it, the title seemed chick lit "never the bride". My eyes wandered further down and found in smaller print "a GOTHIC smash". "Oh, I understand". I devoured it in one day and since then, I'm on a fierce hunt for your books. This happened to me only once before, almost 20 years ago, when "The Unadulterated Cat" meowed to me from a shelf, driving me to collect, read, and reread everything by Sir Terry Pratchett, followed by his apprentice, Neil Gaiman. You are my next quest and crush and God bless you for your writing! Some of your books are almost impossible to find, but I will not rest until I gather the entire Brenda & Effie collection, your books about cats and I'll see what's next... May you write for many years to come and may your books be easier to hunt down, as per example, "Something Borrowed" is SO fantasy, that it doesn't seem real! At least in this plain of existence, it cannot be found absolutely anywhere! Respectfully, a freshly converted fan."
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