I love what they've been doing in Dr Who in all the recent seasons ... But the time is probably right for it to go a bit more traditional to win back its widespread popularity.
I'd go full on old school, with longer seasons and shorter, 25 min episodes if possible, lots of monsters and adventure and much less angst and exposition.
I'd have a Doctor in Victorian drag and a steampunk Tardis and one female assistant. I'd have no mention of Gallifrey.
I'd create lots of lovely, meaty roles for guest actors. And I'd do all the great story-shapes the show has ever done - exploring the deadly alien world, the base under siege, the quest adventure, the getting caught up in historical events, the invasion of earth, the whodunnit and the hidden enemy.
And I'd keep it straightforward enough for everyone to follow from week to week and above all... make it fun, funny, colourful - and never take itself too seriously.
Oh, yes! Even I might start watching again...