Silver Jubilee


This is going to be available in paperback and ebook very soon: a new collection of short stories to mark twenty-five years of publishing. Many of them are published here for the first time.

Here's the blurb:

"It’s twenty-five years since I published my first short story, and my first novel! And what a fascinating and bumpy and amazing ride it’s been since then..!

I’ve tried my utmost to be the very best Queer Northern Magical Realist that you could ever imagine!

So… as a kind of jamboree to celebrate this milestone, I have put together a volume of stories. Some are old, some are obscure, some are completely brand new!

I hope you’ll enjoy them and go off and explore all the other things I’ve done over the years. Collect everything! Buy the lot! Have a ball!

Take care, everyone. Lots of love!


Autumn, 2020"


  1. Just enjoying Game of Crones, thank you for all the happy hours your books have given me over the years, very glad you didn't take the lachlustre advice of various unimaginative, pushy agents and publishers as recounted in The days of Brenda and Effie. Keep it coming!

  2. One of the best, loveliest, books I've read all year, and it remains an absolute crime that Paul Magrs and his unique, wonderful, honest voice isn't the absolutely raging success he should be.


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