Looking forward to When


A year ago it was my 50th birthday party. I was determined to organise myself a do, with music and friends and food - and we did it! So many people came from all over the country to be there. As ever with these things, lots couldn't make it, and I was a bit sad because my mam and family couldn't be there. But there was such a lovely turnout - about as many people as the years I was celebrating! And they all brought wonderful home made, handcrafted cards.

We started dancing quite late on and it became a bit of a wild rumpus, that whole weekend. I thought at the time that there's really no reason not to be having parties every single year...

Right now I wish we could have parties. I wish we could even just sit with a bunch of friends in the living room. Some of my favourite nights are just a few friends round, food and drink and the telly. Singsongs and arts and crafts and board games and old records and laughter. It doesn't even have to be a big do.

Let's hope that soon... soon!... we can get our own lives back. In the past few days I've felt like the world has maybe turned a corner. Just hearing the first good news of 2020 from the US on Saturday has been reason enough to start being optimistic again.

So... yet another quiet night in (during a year of endless quiet nights in!) for my birthday later this week when it comes - and very fond memories of being with my friends and family. Being able to hug them and dance with them and share our times together. And looking forward. Always looking forward to when.
